4 Ways for Small Businesses to Grow in 2021


Small businesses are the lifeblood of communities. 

And as an entrepreneur, striving to grow your own small to medium sized business, it’s crucial to understand how you can actually deploy your efforts and resources to grow effectively.

One thing that there’s no shortage of in 2021 is ideas for how to grow a business, like promoting gift cards for small businesses.

But with so many ideas, opinions, and possibilities floating around out there, especially when you take the digital landscape into account, it can be challenging to narrow it down and figure out what you should actually do. 

So in this post, you’re going to learn four tried and tested ways for small businesses to grow in 2021. 

Let’s distill it down and talk about the stuff that matters. 

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1. Build An SEO Focused Website

No matter how you cut it, SEO is important for modern small businesses.

You probably know as well as anyone that most people these days utilize the internet when they’re looking for products or services to help them fulfill needs, wants, or desires in their life. 

And if your website doesn’t have a viable SEO presence in the form of a website with optimized content, you’re simply going to suffer from a lack of digital foot traffic. Inter discusses this and more advertising advice in greater detail in their SMB guide.

Nowadays, not having a website with optimized content is akin to launching a business in your basement without ever putting up a sign or letting anyone know that you have something amazing to offer.

2. Weave Storytelling Into Your Messaging

Have you ever heard the phrase “marketers ruin everything”

Well, there’s an element of truth to it. 

And nowadays, we live in such an oversaturated advertising market that a lot of advertisements and marketing materials actually fly right over people’s heads, and get ignored. 

To combat this, however, you can weave personalized storytelling into your messaging

In other words, share your own authentic story and vision with the world, and let your own journey and ideas inspire and connect you with your customer base. 

This is a great way to stand out in the crowded online advertising landscape in 2021.

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3. Start A Buzz On Social Media

There’s really no better place to start telling your story than on social media. 

Of course, the key word in social media is ‘social.’ 

A lot of businesses get this mixed up, and end up sharing far too many offers, and not enough real life stuff

To counter this, be authentic and organic with your social media presence. 

Talk about the joys of walking your dog, what you loved about the latest Marvel movie, and the frustrations of waiting in line for roller coasters. 

And every once in a while, share an offer or a tidbit about your business as well. 

In other words, be genuinely social.

It matters, and it’ll pay big dividends.

4. Be An Expert In Your Niche

Another thing that the online digital business landscape is full of nowadays are fake gurus and snake oil salesmen

There are plenty of people trying to peddle products and services that they don’t really know (or care) about.

And in some cases, they’re doing it just to drive income through their funnels and achieve financial success for themselves.

But people can sense this—which is why passion and value are such foundational concepts for success. 

In other words, you can truly stand out from the crowd by doing things just a little bit differently. 

When you actually genuinely care about what you do, and you focus on being a passionate expert in your niche, your messaging will stand out and resonate that much more.

This is actually where small businesses can shine the brightest.

When people come to understand how much you actually know, and how much help your small business can actually offer, they’ll be that much more likely to be interested in you.

And then, subsequently, they’ll also be that much more likely to trust you when the time comes to spend their money on a solution.


There you have it. 

Four ways for small businesses to grow in 2021. 

Of course, this is only the beginning. 

The real challenge is to make a plan, stick with it, adapt, and not to give up

This is the formula for success for anything, especially when it comes to small businesses. 

So get out there and make an impact. 

You’ve got this.