The Benefits of Non 12 Step Rehab Compared to 12-Step in Lakewood

Substance abuse is growing at a rapid rate and presents a huge problem for individuals of different ages and backgrounds. Effective treatment is the only hope for curing addiction and bringing addicts back on the right path. 

Most people abusing alcohol and drugs are well aware of 12-step rehab as a treatment possibility. Nevertheless, many are still unaware of the existence of non-twelve-step programs, which utilize holistic techniques to deal with all aspects of recovery. These models are boasted as highly effective at assisting addicts in leaving their addictions behind. 

See the benefits of non-twelve-step rehab compared to twelve-step rehab.

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What are 12-step programs?

There are certain organizations that use a twelve-step model to facilitate recovery from substance/alcohol abuse. The most popular ones are Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). The treatment structure of twelve-step programs doesn’t resemble an official form of therapy, but it functions as self-help and peer support groups. 

Moreover, NA and AA meetings are offered free of charge to the public, and these are open to anyone willing to attend. Some individuals join these programs independently, while others do it through friend recommendations. This therapy form focuses on three basic ideas referring to acceptance, surrender, and participation. 

The acceptance phase is when addicts realize that addiction is actually a chronic disease over which they have no control. Consequently, willpower by itself isn’t enough to overcome the problem. The surrender stage refers to giving control to a higher power by accepting the support and help from professionals. Conversely, the aim of non 12 step rehab Lakewood programs is to encourage personal responsibility. The ultimate participation step refers to attending regular meetings and events.

The objective of 12-step rehab is to encourage individuals to take active participation in the program and be committed to it. The ultimate intention is to establish long-term recovery and involvement in peer support groups. Regarding treatment efficiency, the success rates of AA and NA programs haven’t been officially established yet. 

Nevertheless, people who attend these meetings are believed to be twice more likely to quit drinking than addicts who don’t attend such meetings. Research studies are almost impossible to conduct due to the anonymous character of the groups. Peer support group participation is thought to benefit recovery in the long term, alongside regular meeting attendance. 

What about non-12-step rehab programs?  

Besides 12-step rehab treatments, there are many other treatment programs that don’t follow this model. Some individuals find the spiritual nature of traditional treatments unappealing. Non-12-step programs refer to groups that appreciate peer support value but fail to accept the dependence on a higher power. 

In addition, they base the care on different principles that differ across organizations. Generally, these principles include motivation, personal responsibility, and balance. The motivation principle refers to finding the personal motivation to make changes, which is usually based on the disastrous substance abuse effects on one’s life. 

In contrast, the principle of personal responsibility requires a person to become responsible for his/her recovery and sobriety instead of giving up this power to someone else. Finally, the balance principle means establishing life balance through active meeting participation and overall wellness. 

Self-reliance is the most important factor distinguishing 12-step from non-12-step rehab programs. While the former points out that addicts are powerless when it comes to controlling their addictive behaviors, the latter considers personal responsibility to be essential in recovery, thus believing that addicts are able to control their addictions. 

As for the effectiveness of these treatments, the type of program has a great influence on the outcome. Non-12-step programs are preferred by individuals who don’t care for the religious undertone of 12-step models. Nevertheless, many addicts aren’t aware of the existence of non-12-step options because of the prevalence of 12-step models. Even so, an increasing number of individuals have become aware of non-12-step alternatives.

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The key differences and benefits

Non-12-step rehab in Lakewood is the right alternative for those seeking a non-traditional path to sobriety. The crucial differences between conventional and traditional programs lie in secularity, self-control, approaches, and focus. In view of secularity, twelve-step rehab can be described as spiritual rather than religious. However, agnostics and atheists tend to prefer non-12-step rehab because of not bringing up higher power to the process. 

Non-twelve-step rehab programs shouldn’t be classified as anti-religious, as they simply don’t consider faith crucial to the success of the process. As previously mentioned, these rehab models think of individuals as strong enough to achieve sobriety. They motivate addicts to work on their self-control instead of viewing themselves as powerless to their addiction. See this site,, for helpful advice on improving self-control. 

Non-12-step models are more open a change in approaches, as they don’t stick blindly to the twelve steps. Techniques are likely to shift if any new research seems promising enough in assisting individuals in overcoming their addictions. These models don’t consider addiction to be a lifelong battle and keep on focusing on the present, not so much on the past. 

Most addicts consider non-twelve-step programs effective owing to the possibility of customizing them to the needs of patients. As an alternative to a universal approach, a custom plan is tailored for every client after having a discussion to discover its specific requirements. Another advantage of choosing this model is the residential treatment that patients receive. Most rehab centers offer a comfortable experience to their clients. They even allow family members to become involved in therapy if requested by patients. 

Another perk of choosing a non-12-step program is the habit of these organizations of offering a dual diagnosis approach. Such a method is helpful in finding the root cause of addiction. Substance abuse usually stems from a more complex problem, like a mental illness, anxiety, or too much stress. Unless the root is addressed, relapse is likelier to occur. 

In conclusion

The choice of treatment should be yours. 

Consider all alternatives!