What Is Jain Diksha?

Are you curious to know what is jain diksha? You have come to the right place as I am going to tell you everything about jain diksha in a very simple explanation. Without further discussion let’s begin to know what is jain diksha?

Jainism is one of the oldest religions in the world, with its roots in ancient India. One of the key aspects of Jainism is Diksha, which refers to the initiation ceremony of becoming a Jain monk or nun. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of Jain Diksha, its significance, and the process of initiation.

What Is Jain Diksha?

Jain Diksha is a sacred ceremony of initiation that marks the beginning of a person’s journey towards becoming a Jain monk or nun. It is considered one of the most significant events in a Jain’s life and involves a vow of complete renunciation of worldly pleasures, possessions, and relationships.

The ceremony of Jain Diksha involves a series of rituals, which includes fasting, meditation, and prayer. The person undergoing Diksha is required to shave off their hair and wear white robes, symbolizing their detachment from the material world. During the ceremony, the person is given a new name, which reflects their new identity as a Jain monk or nun.

Importance Of Jain Diksha:

Jain Diksha is considered an important event in the life of a Jain, as it marks the beginning of their spiritual journey towards enlightenment. The decision to take Diksha requires a deep commitment to the principles of Jainism, which include non-violence, truth, and self-discipline.

The act of renunciation is considered a form of spiritual purification, which helps the person to detach themselves from the material world and focus on the pursuit of spiritual goals. By taking Diksha, a person is committing to a life of self-discipline, devotion, and service to the community.

Process Of Jain Diksha:

The process of Jain Diksha involves several stages, which include:

  • Preparation: The person undergoing Diksha is required to undergo a period of preparation, which involves fasting, meditation, and prayer.
  • Ceremony: The Diksha ceremony is usually conducted by a senior Jain monk or nun. The person undergoing Diksha is required to recite a series of vows, which includes a vow of complete renunciation of the material world.
  • Shaving of Head: The person’s head is shaved off, symbolizing their detachment from the material world.
  • Wearing of White Robes: The person is required to wear white robes, symbolizing their purity and detachment.
  • Giving of New Name: The person is given a new name, which reflects their new identity as a Jain monk or nun.


Jain Diksha is a sacred ceremony of initiation that marks the beginning of a person’s journey towards becoming a Jain monk or nun. It involves a vow of complete renunciation of worldly pleasures, possessions, and relationships. The ceremony involves several rituals, including fasting, meditation, and prayer, and the person undergoing Diksha is required to shave off their hair and wear white robes. Jain Diksha is considered an important event in the life of a Jain, as it marks the beginning of their spiritual journey towards enlightenment.

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What Is The Jain Diksha Ceremony?

Diksha (Sanskrit: दीक्षा) also spelled diksa, Deeksha, or weeks in common usage, translated as a “preparation or consecration for a religious ceremony”, is the giving of a mantra or an initiation by the guru (in Guru–shishya tradition) of Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

What Happens After Diksha In Jain?

After initiation, the devotee is expected to maintain regularity in the daily routine of worship ( Upasana ), a persistent endeavor for developing purity in thoughts words, and deeds by studying scriptures and interacting with saintly persons ( Sadhana ) and by donating a part of one’s time and resources for welfare

What Do Jain Monks Do?

Monks engage in activities such as meditation, seeking knowledge, and acquiring self-discipline. Jain monks and advanced laypeople avoid eating after sunset, observing a vow of ratri-bhojana-tyaga-vrata. Digambara monks observe a stricter vow of eating only once a day.

What Are Jain Nuns Called?

Aryika, also known as Sadhvi, is a female mendicant (nun) in Jainism.

Why Do Jain People Take Deeksha?

Jains believe that all miseries arise when we desire affiliation and associate our happiness with those around us. They believe that after taking Deeksha, the soul starts walking towards salvation and is freed from the universal attachments.

Do Jain Monks Take Bath?

Jain monks and nuns only take sponge baths, since bathing wastes a lot of water; they wear frugal clothes that they tailor themselves and go begging for their needs. The vow of celibacy is so strict they cannot touch any male, including little boys.

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